What Is A Reformed Church?

What Is A Reformed Church?

Reformed Theology

Our Understanding of the Gospel is deeply formed by those individuals during the reformation of the church in the 16th, and 17th centuries who led a movement called the “Protestant Reformation” away from Roman Catholicism and the birth of what we know as Protestant Christianity.  We do not believe that these men invented new doctrine, but simply led people back to the roots of our historic faith.  These men were formed by Scripture, not tradition as their guiding principle.

Men Such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Martin Bucer, Philip Melancthon, and many others helped solidify what we now know as the Five “Solas” of the reformation.

Sola Scriptura/Scripture

Scripture alone, and not the traditions of popes and important church leaders should guide us.

Sola Fide/Faith

Faith alone is the principle through which the good news of Jesus can be savingly applied to the live of a believing sinner. It is faith alone that puts a man right with God having taken hold of the work of God in Christ for them.

Sola Gratia/Grace

It is only the grace (unmerited favor) of God alone that causes God to stoop to us in Christ’s incarnation (first coming) and redemption (payment for our sin). There is nothing that humanity has done to deserve God’s saving movement towards a rebellious people.

Sola Christo/ Christ

It is only through Jesus alone that we can be made right with God and avert his wrath to come. Jesus plus anything as our means of atonement equals a distortion of Biblical teaching and is called “another gospel”, which is not good news by Paul and other New Testament writers.

Sola Deo-Gloria/ To God Be The Glory alone

God’s comprehensive plan to rescue a world that is broken beyond all hope is so that He might receive the Glory due him as rightful creator and restorer of this world.